
Ambition and Greed

Page Name
Ambition and Greed
Page Review Item ID

Argument Quality

Strength of Logic
no argument
Strength of Logic Commentary
Regarding the Argument Quality I have no opinion. Strength of Logic is average and Clarity of Presentation is neither good or bad.
Clarity of Presentation
neither good nor bad

Data Quality

Supporting Strength
no data
Reliability of Sources
no sources


Fallacy 1 (-5 pts)
slander and ridicule of the messenger; avoiding the issues raised
Fallacy 2 (-3 pts)
reviewing only part of an argument out of context
Fallacy 6 (-8 pts)
playing the race card
Fallacy 7 (-5 pts)
emotional appeals that avoid hard realities
Fallacies Summary

Why I have chosen Fallacy 1 ?

I have no idea.