
Born Free

Democracy and Mob Rule - The Tyranny of the Majority

BornFree Wednesday, 01 of May, 2013

Pure democracy, without limitation, is mob rule

Pure democracy has been tried several times in history and has always failed.  In Greece, democracy and oligarchy alternated with blood baths with each transition.   Democrats murdering the aristocracy and aristocracy killing the democrats each time there was a change.  The French revolution was an orgy of mobs in the streets raping and beheading the nobility in the name of democracy.  

Democracy fails for two reasons.  First, it gives all power to the majority.  Whatever the majority wants to do, it can.  It is wants a black minority to be slaves, tuff luck for the blacks.  If the majority is less motivated than a minority of innovators and entrepreneurs, it can enslave them through taxation.

A democracy cannot be any better than the majority of its citizens.  If enough of the citizens can be bought off by a ruling elite or fooled by a demagogue, it becomes the tyranny of the majority.  And when the majority becomes tyrannical and destroys liberty, it is the most difficult of all systems to correct. 

Hitler came to power in a “social democracy” by manipulating the people, promising a restoration to national and prosperity.  What they got was the privilege of dying in his army. 

Democracies are only as good as the small percentage of “citizens” who tip elections in one direction or the other.  With that in mind, ask yourself how long American democracy can survive with people like this:


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