libertylion's purpose and mission

About LibertyLion®


Keeping us divided is a strategy for dominance

Cooperating and working together, right and left, is the solution


LibertyLion® is a spotlight for those of all political persuasions to open our minds to new ideas and focus on what we have in common instead of what we disagree about.  Unless we learn from each other and work together, those who wield the reigns of financial and bureaucratic power will enslave or bury us.  Such is the clear lesson of history.

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LibertyLion's objective is to gather and share the best political and civic information available, including important news, lessons from history and thoughtful analyses of the problems we face and their potential solutions.  It is a place where we can think together to roll back the power of the of those who would oppress us, because the real battle is actually between “We the People” vs. the powerful business and government Power Brokers, not between the “right and the left”.

See also: LibertyLion® Agora

Working Together to Find Solutions

Freedom-lovers on both the right and left need to come to a place where they can learn the best ideas, seeking  common ground without being drowned out by those who stir up fear and hatred with “opposing viewpoints”  and “misinformation”. Most people actually agree on the problems, even if they don’t agree on the solutions.  For example, try to figure out whether the following statements came from those on the right or left; then follow the link and see if you’re right:

“… the more businesses invest in influence instead of innovation, … the interests of the elite diverge from those of the nation. … The American people are forced to work for big businesses instead of the other way around…. a warped economy. … Record corporate profits and jaw-dropping gains among elites, but slow growth, stagnant wages, and limited opportunities for everyone else.” source

“When big US financial institutions look for investment opportunities elsewhere in the world, they don’t go alone. … US banks can look to a helping hand from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), … government bureaucracies rarely go out of business, even if the reason for their existence has disappeared. … the IMF found itself a new purpose … It became an international debt collector.” source (pg 63)

Right and Left?

The polarization of right and left is a myth that has been promoted and sustained by the power brokers, who use it to put blinders on the people.  The people need to shed these ideological blinders.  Both sides need to explore the best proposals and work together to find solutions that are likely to work based on the lessons of history, instead of ignoring reality and supporting unproven (or even harmful) ideological experiments.  LibertyLion provides data both sides can share and discuss to develope their understanding of the problems and possible solutions.  

Fixing the Information Avalanche

With billions of websites and trillions of web pages, we need a giant magnet to find the sharpest “information needles” in that huge haystack - or much of the best information will never be found.  All the best books and webpages need a bright spotlight to make them stand out. 

LibertyLion endeavors assist in that process by working to become an “information magnet” that channels a selection of the best information to those with open minds.  It seeks to present information for thought and deliberation rather then propose dogmatic solutions.  Instead of final answers on a subject, LibertyLion will focus on gathering, filtering, and summarizing existing resources while shining a spotlight on the best sources where more complete information and analysis can be found.  An organized, searchable clearinghouse or database of the best information is being developed that will make finding the particular “needle” you want much easier.

Circumventing Misinformation

An avalanche of managed information and misinformation is burying normal people, distracting them from the real problems by engaging them in an ideological war between right and left, while the power brokers on both sides vie for control of the coercive power of giant business and even bigger government to force the people into supporting their self-serving ends.  Ordinary people are paying the price with lost opportunity, lost freedom and lost wealth.  It is time for us to change the debate, find common ground, and work together to curtail the abuses of the corrupt business, financial, and political power brokers in both political parties.

Created by BornFree. Last Modification: Tuesday, 13 of June, 2023 16:45:31 (GMT-0000) by BornFree.

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