What is the connection between power and corruption (Cached)

The Great Power Auction

power and corruption are inseparable, more power means more corruption


Article:  The Great Power Auction

From:  FEE - Foundation for Economic Education


Can a man have power without abusing it?  Is there such a thing as a virtuous leader that will turn down their best interests/money for the benefit of the people?  Can power be wielded for good? Can anyone be trusted with power?  History suggests not!

Our current system is like a giant power auction; with each election auctioning off bits of power between competing factions fighting over the ability to “force everyone else to underwrite their favored cronies or participate in their social experiments.”

The only solution is decentralization of power as intended by the Founders of the Nation. 


“Power is like a clenched fist,” it can only destroy.  Yet many live with the illusion that power in the hands of the “right” people will solve all our problems. 

What is the connection between power and money? When they meet is the result always corruption? The founding fathers warned that power does indeed corrupt. James Madison explained:

In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, … you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. …  the constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner that each may be a check on the other—that the private interest of every individual may be a sentinel over the public rights.

The only solution to the corrupting influence of centralized power is decentralization, moving it closer to the people themselves.

History has repetitively shown that civilizations suffer when power is centralized and allowed to run its natural course. Mankind’s nature has repetitively shown that power does indeed lead to corruption. What can we learn from this predictable cycle? And if we don’t learn it, where will we end up?

More Details

“True believers depend on the myth of the virtuous leader” who can embody the will of the people and build a “fair” society.  But such leaders must force those who disagree with them to do what they have determined is for the “common good” instead of allowing them to follow their interests and pursue their own opportunities.  Hence, they can never have enough power.

History is strewn with the destroyed nations billions of ruined lives created by the great social experiments of the 20th century, experiments lead by demagogues that were trusted by the people they crushed.

But it can’t happen here.  Or can it?  Recent revelations about the abuses of power in Washington suggest it could.  “Left and right act like a cartel and power grows” with no end in sight.

It is easy to be emotionally swept up in support for expansion of the State when it promises to “… help the power, or save the environment, or end terrorism, .…”  But remembering the reality of abuse of power will help “… keep us from losing our skepticism of the State.”


To be determined.


Government Abuse of Power  understanding and tracking government abuse of power

History of Government Murder  262 million people were murdered by their own governments during the 20th century, six times the number killed in wars

Dual Sovereignty and States Rights  how states rights can push back against centralized power

Investing in Political Power  how numerous organizations invest in politics and make unbelievable returns


Created by LoudLion. Last Modification: Friday, 09 of June, 2023 02:35:25 (GMT-0000) by BornFree.

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