

Liberty creates Prosperity, Central Control destroys It

Many people appreciate the social benefits of liberty such as free speech and action, but too few understand how liberty makes prosperity possible and how statism destroys it.

Man’s mind, by nature, seeks self-improvement.  When free, that mind generates the innovative progress that expands productivity and makes general prosperity possible.  When coerced, that same mind rebels and produces only what it must to survive.  When just rule of law and liberty are abandoned, progress is replaced with lower productivity, fewer choices, and more misery instead of more prosperity.  That is the clear, ringing lesson of history, and those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. 

The LibertyLion® Mission is to expand people’s understanding of individual liberty’s crucial role in not only our social freedom but also our material prosperity. 

Individual Liberty and Free Enterprise is the only moral economic system ever created in the history of man.  All others are based on force and are contrary to man’s nature as an independent rational being.  Only liberty frees man’s mind, while force is the ball and chain that snuffs out the light.