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The Society

Together WE CAN redirect the course of History   LIBERTY LION SOCIETY is an Internet oganized society of those who really care about liberty for themselves and future generations.  It allows members to interact meaningfully with those who share their values both online and personally.  The Society includes social media, private and public forums and action groups, and powerful tools for communicating with elected representatives and business leaders, ensuring they hear the voice of the silent majority.  While the Agora is intended for open debate and discussion, the Society is for those who are dedicated to preserving liberty.  As a result, memberip is by invitation only and new members must be sponsored by existing members who can vouch for their character when they invite them to join the Society.


The Society's features are designed to facilitate meeting and working together with others who care about liberty and want to do something to preserve it, including:

  • Friendshipping – meet and make friends
  • Action Groups – get organized to make a difference
  • Messaging
  • Event scheduling
  • Mapping
  • Petitions